Wings of Desire :-)
يک فعاليت عمومی،از همه ی دوستان و نا دوستان(!!!)دعوت به همکاری ميشود:

يک بازی گروهی:

هر کس دو واژه رو ميگه،و به قبلی جواب ميده،بعدی هم همين طور مثال:

اولی :رفتن يا نرفتن؟
دومی:رفتن،خوردن يا خوابيدن؟
سومی:خوابيدن،ديدن يا نديدن؟
چهارمی:ديدن،نمک دون يا خيار؟
... و الی آخر

تبصره ها:
هر کس می تواند بيش از يک بار شرکت کند.
هر کس ميتواند در پايان بخش خود بيان کند که به نظرش آخر اين بازی به کجا ميرسد.
Blogger Nazanin said...
ديدن يا نگاه کردن؟

Blogger niyoosha said...
negah kardan, olagh ya korrekhar?!

akharesh hamamoun be darak vasel mishim!

Blogger Nazanin said...
کرّه خر،دارد يا ندارد؟

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehehheeh ya hahhahaha?

Blogger Nazanin said...
in joz e mosabeghe nist:
manzooresh rostame :D

vali in hast:

khoobi ya badi?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ghaablame ya kafgir!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
abi ya ghermez?;D

Anonymous Anonymous said...
akharesh donyast ya khoda?

Blogger Atorpat said...
baad az emtehane emrooz bayad goft hazf kardan ya nakardan!

Blogger niyoosha said...
amigh sookht:)) javabe balayio nadad! iqoosan!

Blogger Nazanin said...
are valla,
ma ham hazfesh mikonim,javabe balaisho midim,khoda.
hala hazf kardan ya hazf nakardan?!

Blogger Mostafa said...
شما رو از كجا مي شناسم!؟
بذار يكم فكر كنم..................
آهان يادم اومد
به طور اتفاقي به يه وبلاگ سر زدم، فكر كنم ماله همين دوستت نيوشا بود! بعد ديدم به عالمه لينك كنارش گذاشته، منم بخاطر اينكه زحمات ايشون هدر نره همه ي لينك ها رو زدم و خوندم!(التبه مي دونم كه الان يا فكر مي كني دارم دروغ مي گم و شايد هم داري با خودت مي گي چه آدن الافي!)
خلاصه از بين اون همه وبلاگ چند تاش بيشتر به درد نمي ورد و آن جمله وبلاگ حضرت عالي!
اميدوارم باور كرده باشي چون اگه باور نكني،داستان ديگه اي به ذهنم نمي رسه سر هم كنم!شاد باشيد

Blogger Nazanin said...
آها،حدس ميزدم البتّه
,مرسی از اينکه داستان سر هم کردی،قبول،امّا اينجا وسط بازی بودا

بازی ادامه پيدا ميکنه با :
حذف نکردن يا حذف کردن؟

Blogger niyoosha said...
hazf nakardan!!:))
hoy webloge khodam az hamashoun behtarehaa!
nazanin ye arousiam mesinke oftadim ma!!
arousi ya naarousi?!

(toam ba in tarhe bazit!)

Blogger Nazanin said...
نيوشا را خفه کردن يا ماچ کردن؟

Blogger niyoosha said...
niyoosha ra khafe kardan!
niousha derakhshan ya niousha bolandzadeh?!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
niyoosha derakhshan
dar entekhabate riyasat jomhoori , raye bedim ya raye nadim?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ba ny derakh shookhi nakonid
hamoon bolandzaade behtare
in che vazeie
aslan baazi ro edaame bedim ya na?

Blogger niyoosha said...
mammadam sookht chon javabe balayisho nadad!!
ray nadim, baziram edame nadim!

Blogger Nazanin said...
به به!!!
بوی توطئه ميشنفم!!!
با وفايی يا بی وفايی؟

rostamo niush har 2 sookhtid!:D

Blogger niyoosha said...
man omran nasookhtam! in rostamam ke sookhteye khodayie!
sibzamini sorkh karde ya sibzamini pokhte?! =p~

Anonymous Anonymous said...
sibzamini sorkh karde!
booghalamoon ya kangoro?
(agha jaryan chie?man naboodam che khabar boode inja??????)

Blogger Nazanin said...
ahan,na,booy toote `e daare kam mishe,ama hanooz miaad,az tarafe rostame!
in joze vazife y saaheb blaage ke be baghie bege inja che khabare,va joze bazi nist==>man hargez namisoozam!:D

man baazam shoma do ta niusha ro eshtebah kardam,fek kardam niush:D dare totee mikone,:)),nagoo hamoon :D e hamishegie ke hamash inja :D mikone!
hichi drakhshaan jaan,inja khabarayy bood,mohem tarinesh ine ke rostam hamash misooze!:D


Anonymous Anonymous said...
jam kon in band o basato
rostam dare misoze ya na
masale inast?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
man kiam ya na

Blogger niusha said...
ya na!
marmoolak ya key board!!!

Blogger Nazanin said...
ey khodaa!!!:))
malume ke keyboard!:D
kooh ya dasht?

Blogger niusha said...
kooh khob!
taar ya tanboor?
(chie bacheha?kam avordin!!!:D)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
khob ma'loome taar ..
boodan ya naboodan ?
(mas'le in ast ? !)
(arusitoon mobarak)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
bad ya badtar?

Blogger sanaz said...
pist ya sosis ya kharsavari ?

Blogger niusha said...
sanaz sookht chon javabe balaei ro nadad!
edaame: khar savari!
(rasty ali e,ziad jeddy nagir,felan khabary nist az aroosy!!!)

Blogger sanaz said...
man nasookhtam.oni ke man goftam ham maanie boodan ya naboodan bood.
bayad bishtar deghat koni!
hala to sookhti. . .

Blogger Nazanin said...
خوب،من به عنوان نازنين جون اينجا موظف هستم که بين علما اختلاف نيفته خوب،پس خانوم
ببين دخترم،شما سوختی،اونم درجه ی سه!
:))،پس ساناز و رستم همچنان ميسوزند
در ضمن نيوشا جون ببين دخترم،شما خودت قبل از ساناز سوخته بودی عزيزم،پس تصحيح ميکنم:
رستم رکورد داره،نيوشا و ساناز و رستم با هم ميسوزند،حالا کی سوخت؟

حالا من سؤل ميگم:
يا سعيد ملکی؟:D


Anonymous Anonymous said...
khob maloome saeed maleki!
"fahime rahimi" ya "goerge orwel"???

Anonymous Anonymous said...
bastegi daare tarifetoon az
sookhtan chi baashe,
man hichvaght nemisoozam,
ki mikhaad harf bezane
ye sooske morde ya kafka?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
sooske morde!!
hala man migam : shokolat ya khatarnak?!:D

Blogger Nazanin said...
in paranteze(lotfan anonyomose ha agar aashna hastand khodeshoono moarefi konand!ba tashakor,nahaad bargozari bazi haay daste jamii)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hala begin ghand ya nabat?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
[ 2n+5/n+3 n=2k
dar dombaleye a={
[ 2n^2+7/n^2 n=2k-1
koochektarin meghdare M ke be ezaye an n>M namozaviye
[a-2]< 1/100 ( [ 3a;amate ghadre motlagh )
bargharar bashad 97 ya 27?
korkor117 ( lotfan solati ra matrah namayid ke etelaat omoomiyetan afzayesh yabad ( edareye kole amoozesh va parvaresh))

Anonymous Anonymous said...
................[ 2n+5/n+3 n=2k
dar dombaleye a=[
................[ 2n^2+7/n^2 n=2k-1
koochektarin meghdare M ke be ezaye an n>M namozaviye
[a-2]< 1/100 ( [ 3a;amate ghadre motlagh )
bargharar bashad 97 ya 27?
korkor117 ( lotfan solati ra matrah namayid ke etelaat omoomiyetan afzayesh yabad ( edareye kole amoozesh va parvaresh))

Anonymous Anonymous said...
.................[ 2n+5/n+3 n=2k
dar dombaleye a=[
.................[ 2n^2+7/n^2 n=2k-1
koochektarin meghdare M ke be ezaye an n>M namozaviye
[a-2]< 1/100 ( [ 3a;amate ghadre motlagh )
bargharar bashad 97 ya 27?
korkor117 ( lotfan solati ra matrah namayid ke etelaat omoomiyetan afzayesh yabad ( edareye kole amoozesh va parvaresh))

Blogger niyoosha said...
khoda shafa bede! hame sookhtan! gharare tanhayi beram darak

Anonymous Anonymous said...
niyoosha khanoom , mamnoon az doaye kheyretoon , enshaalah ke khoda shoma ra ham shafa dahad , va hamchenin tamamiye mariz haye eslam

Blogger Nazanin said...
دوستان عزيز مسأله علمی ميشه کم نياريد.

albate manzooram be ba`ziaast

Blogger niusha said...
agha chera vaste baazy cherto pert migid kharab mikonid bazio?
akharish chi bood???aha:
mashmool ya marmool!(kandidaye esme marmoolakam!!!)

Blogger Arash said...
mashmool ,
bashir ya mobashsher?


mammad esfehaani yaa vezaarate naft?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
vezarate naft
Hala man biam ya na?

Blogger niyoosha said...

olagh ya korrekhar?!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
taabloe korre khar ..
skizoferni (shizoferni) ya mazokhism ? !!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
in ye baaro bekhatere ali javab midam, pesitoism
hala ye chizi vaaghean mikhaayd baazi ro edaame bedid ya na?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
merci rostam joon !!!!
rostam , belakhare yad gerefti esmeto too OTHER benevisi ..

javaab : BEDID ..
soal : behdad ya nima ?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ali ghorboonet , mikhaamet
javaab:man ke hichkoodoomo nemishnaasam,stake ba goje
chesm abi ya tarake divaar?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
mokhlesim ..
tarake divar ..
(dar morede balaee : behdad va nima esme do ta az sandewich haye sagpaze )
paache ya zaboon ?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
chera,cheshm aabi ke behtare
nemidoonam man jigar(siah) bishtar doost daaram,age bardaashte bad nashe
niusha d ya niusha b?
(esme 2 ta az sandewichhaye bozpaz)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
payame baazargaani :
To be continued....

Markaz tablighaati e :

Blogger Nazanin said...
payaame bazargaan!
kheili bahale,
rostam dige nemisooze!
niusha b
takhteh siaah ya blog?

Blogger Nazanin said...
payaame bazargaan!
kheili bahale,
rostam dige nemisooze!
niusha b
takhteh siaah ya blog?

Blogger Nazanin said...
payaame bazargaan!
kheili bahale,
rostam dige nemisooze!
niusha b
takhteh siaah ya blog?

Blogger Nazanin said...
payaame bazargaan!
kheili bahale,
rostam dige nemisooze!
niusha b
takhteh siaah ya blog?

Blogger niusha said...
takhte siah!
bastani ghifi ya dehbod!:D

Blogger niyoosha said...
vaay naa!:))))) in akharie khodas!! dehbod:))))))))

nazanin jan az shoma ham be dalile inke niousha b ro entekhab kardin motshakkeram!
ali e ! man ba behdad bishtar hal mikonam! mokhallafatesh bishtare!:))

deghat konin ke har do ta soale "korrekhar ya olagh" be korrekhar montahi shode:)) che alagheyi!:))
hala soale man!
"the worms ate into my brain" ya "the worms ate into his brain" ?

Blogger Sohail S. said...
the worms ate into my(your) brain!
hala: "together we stand?" ya "divided we'll fall?"

Blogger Nazanin said...
together we stand!
اولين ستاره ی آسمون که ميبينيش(فقط يک ستاره ی قابل ديدن) يا آسمون پر از ستاره؟

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Asemoon e por setare ..
(why ? .. It would seem lonely
If you were the only
star in the night?
niyoosha ! behdad o bishtar bekhatere KAHOO doost dari ,na ?
niusha ! soale BASTANI GHIFI ya DEHBOD kheili kheili toop bood !!!
soale man : notebook ya mobile ?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
maloome notebook,
chon mobile hei be aadam gir mide ke javaabesho bedim hamash az khodesh seda dar miare ahhhhh,
hamam aadamo peydaa mikonan,
shaayad addam bekhad chand vaghti nabaashe,
baashim ya nabaashim?

Blogger niusha said...
"arteshe sorkhe chin" ya "davood khatar"???
(agha ta key mikhayn edame bedin?kam nayarina,gharare record beshkoonim!!!)

Blogger Nazanin said...
davoud khatar!
jave hegel o marx aadamo begire ya jave bazi?

Blogger niyoosha said...
:)) avval begam ke bara man ke "jave bazi" !
dovvom inke are ali! behdado be khatere kahoo doos daram:D:D:))
sevvom inke in bazi vaghti in poste nazanin bere too archive tamoum mishe. pas nazanin boro settinge weblogeto doros kon ke 20 ta too safe neshoun bede!!!! chon man hal nadaram beram az too archive giresh biaram badesham taze behesh javab bedam!!!
badesham inke naaa aliii!! eshtebah nakon, mobile behtare. dalayelesham migam hessam ye bar behet bege!
akharisham inke "fogh bedoune konkour && poole tabesh" || "paziresh gereftano badbakhti khareje iran"

Blogger Nazanin said...
faghat mano to moondim?!
soalet sakhte ha!:((
tabesh hala cheghad pool mide?
akhe kharejam bastegi dare,hamin tori ke alan man kheili jaha mitoonam beram,ama be dard nemikhore...?!
chon gofti badbakhti migam na,:D!
pas foghe bedoone konkur va poole tabesh!
albate alana!:))

zamin ya khorshid?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
khorshid,chon zamin o ke ziad didim ,manam baaziiiiii,
khoshtippi ya boye bade pa?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
alan in balaee soale ??!!??
yani man bayad javab bedam ??!!??
bashe !
khoshtippi !!!!!
( rostam , man age jaye to boodam zamin o entekhaab mikardam
dar morede soale niyoosha ,
man chon badbakhti ro doost daram va kollan ba badbakhti ons gereftam , kharejo entekhab mikardam )
manam hanooz too baziam !!!!

soal tamashachian e aziz :
lollipop ya nimroo ?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
seda ya sokoot?

Blogger niyoosha said...
lollipop ke manaaaam:D:D:D


hazhir khare ya gave?

Blogger niyoosha said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Blogger niusha said...
man alan mikhastam be bazy edame bedam valy be dalile masaele amniaty felan az edameye baazy khod dary mikonam,lotfan yeki biad in soalo javab bede!!!
(kaash ye gozineye "har 2"sh am daasht!!!:D

Anonymous Anonymous said...
khob bego har do ,ki be kie,
soale man:
rostam khoshtippe ya khosh maram?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nazanin bazit ye irade bozorg dare inke gozineie hich kodum ya hardo nadare v yeseri soala javab nadaran mesle soale rostam .
Hala ejbaran entekhab mikonim khoshmaram .

Anonymous Anonymous said...
BEeeeEEEeeeERIM !!!
(sakhtie in bazi ine ke 2 ta gozine bishtar nadari .. va majboor mishi yekisho entekhaab koni .. masalan kheili sakhte ke begi ROSTAM khoshmarame !!!!!)

soal :
Sarah Conner ya Celine Dion ?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Javab :Celine Dion
Khodaiish kheily daghun shodam goftam rostam khoshmarame vali ghanune .
Soal :
Elm behtare ya servat ?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ghalat kardin sakhte,
maloome servat behtare,
rostam khoshtrippe ya khoshfekr?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
khoshtrip ya khosh chiiiiiii ?
to fekr dari ?
vali chikar konim ke ghavanin daste maro baste ..
to ro khoda dige be bazi gand nazan , rostam ...
jahannam o zarar .. khosh fekr
soal :
gojefarangi ya khiar ?

Blogger niusha said...
goje farangi!
GHOMY ya Rickey Martin???:D
(agha in rostam o aliam ke faghat too bloge mardom kal kal konana!!!)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ricky Marthin!1
bezarin kolohom subjecto be avazam!beram too ye faze dige!

bazi vaghta jalebe adam be aghde adamaye khas ,az oon lahaz dar biad!
be aghde rafsanjani ya khameneyi?

Blogger niyoosha said...
agha siasish nakoninnnn!!
dar zemn rostam sookht:)) akhe maghz dari ke fekr dashte bashi ke taze khosh fekram bashi?!!!!
akhe bi maghz.....

Blogger niusha said...
aghde rafsanjani!!!
adam too nalbakye khaly shirje bezane ya makaronio ba ney bokhore?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Makaroni ba ney ...
(kheili behtar az shirje raftan tu nalbekie -- oonam khalish )

soal :
Doogh o ba Nooshabe ghaati koni ba'd roosh ablimoo o namak o somagh bezani o bokhori yaa hamina ro berizi too parche abe self ke yeki dige bokhore ?

Blogger niyoosha said...
yeki dige bokhoreeeeee!!!
agha man payasham!!!!:D:D:D

4shanbe mirid namayeshgah ketab ya vaymistid ba man berid namayeshgah(chon man 4shanbe nemitounam biam!)?!!

Blogger Nazanin said...
in alan soale to miporsi niyoOsha?!
inja ke room nist ke toosh chat koni dokhataram! :D:D:D

malume ke khodam miram namayeshgah bedoone to !

az hale bad be hale khoob ya az hale khob be hale bad?

Blogger Arash said...
az haale bad be haale bad.

mostafaa denizli ya mosaaferi az hend?

Blogger niusha said...
mostafa denizli!
adam kabkesh khoroos bekhoone ya khoroosesh ghod ghod kone???

Anonymous Anonymous said...
khoroosesh ghod ghod kone.
baz ham man biam ya na?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bia azizam
dokhtar ya pesar?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dokhtar ,
Mehdi ki hast ?
Zoba ki hast ?
Anonymous ki hast ?

Doroogh ya kheffat?

Blogger Nazanin said...
Zoba yeki az behtarin doostaaye mane ! :-*

ke kheili delam barash tang shode!
HEY ! farda mibinamesh !

mehdi va anonymouse nemidoonam kian !

man dar mosabeghe sherkat nemikonam,ama mage Ali E,doroogh ba kheffat farghi ham dare ?

ba soale ali edame midim !

Anonymous Anonymous said...
doroogh age baese kheffat nashe mishe maslahati?
pas shayad gahi beshe behesh arjahiiat dad !! ! amma bazam ziad farghi nemikone azab vojdanesh mimoone vase khode adam......
hala ye soal
gardeshe daste jamei ba bachehaye daneshgah beram ya naram?

Blogger niyoosha said...
che bad tamoum shodaa!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Nazanin said...
what`s maaaaaaaaaa?!
who are you ?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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